Academic Enrichment
We surround the GCSE curriculum with plenty of opportunities to enhance academic study and to develop other skills and interests. Physical Education, Music, Drama, Dance and Art can all be studied as academic subjects as well as offering girls the chance to hone their talents and to relax and enjoy themselves as their studies intensify.
Work in the classroom is enriched in every possible way, from engineering workshops at Clifton’s Suspension Bridge to performing Cinderella in German and analysing primate behaviour at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in Jersey.
Digital Explorers, Debating and our Science Outreach programme (where girls take their science experience and experiments into local junior schools) sit alongside the chance to be trained as a Peer Mentor.
The Duke of Edinburgh Programme begins in Year 9 when girls can take the Bronze Award, and they can then take the Silver Award in Year 10 and the Gold Award in Lower Sixth. Participation is voluntary, but the majority of girls take part and all who do say how much they enjoy and learn from the programme.
Another very popular option is our Global Thinking Skills programme, where girls are made to think critically, improving their reasoning and evaluation skills whilst learning about and discussing world issues, from Brexit to global warming.
I found as soon as I joined Badminton that the School took a particular interest in finding out what I enjoy doing outside School as well as within.
carlett, Year 9

We also begin, gently, the process of building a profile that will lead to the strongest possible university application for each girl. We hold sessions on study skills and offer careers talks from leading professionals and from experts in Higher Education. Our Internship Programme means that girls can experience for themselves what they might do after university.